The only other strat I can think of is Arena spam with Sewer and Healing Potion to buff all units to 9999 attack, or otherwise trash unit spam with Shaman with mass Shrine and Temple for permanent invincibility, but both strategy will take like 3 hr. Personally I always go Merchant start, max tax and Golden Arrow with Gold Paint Spam on Knight (can also pickup Bait for breathing room), then always pick 500% skill damage, go for Scientist for Agit and Healing Potion, and maybe Builder just for Reinforce, which works fine for me until exactly Wave 120 which I already beaten but bosses are way too Tanky for me to reasonably raise another difficulty level to post-120 (healing bosses can tank about 50 Golden Arrows) as difficulty growth is exponential. So the objective of this discussion post is simple: To ask the question of what is your strategy for reaching (and beating) Wave 120? Like these strats? Have others you've used successfully? Post them below.Just recently finally 100% the game, but even on Pollution 0 I find it very hard to think of any other strategy to reach and beat Wave 120 as simply due to the fact that Infinite scaling are removed (RIP Barracks and Rally Arm) and bosses have unreasonable amount of HP Summary: Useful if nothing better presents itself for the early/mid game.Cons: Cap on 999 tax makes this rather slow to accumulate wealth compared to other Econ strats.Cons: Similar to the bounty econ build you can ramp up a bit and could get you through a pinch in the early game (Wave 50 or below).Summary: Reliable, no card steady Econ to refill from 10k gold to 99,999 gold in between your "Buff sequence" chains to win on Hard + 120ĥ) Tax builds? + Raise Tax (Lvl 2).Cons: Requires a good amount of Demolition || Specialize || Tavern work to get all the Granaries out where you need them.Cons: Carpal tunnel clicking on the Farm (wheat?) icon after you chain 9+ Labor commands.Pros: Requires no Econ cards, in my case the Re-use, LC, Steal are core cards in my late game deck anyway.Pros: This is my go-to strat for reliable no card Econ to win on Hard + 120.But I don't find it very reliable or card efficientĤ) Farm + multiple Granaries, Reuse + Labor command + Steal could be Steal chain || Re-use || Specialize || whatevs.Pro: I only tried this to get the bounty achievement but was surprised how decent it was.

I usually grab Mining if offered on Wave <7, and I haven't got a better Econ option rolling. Summary: Useful technique if you pick it up early to get your economy ramping up.Con: Requires lots of card plays to get Mining to a useful number for Waves 30+.Cons: Requires 2 or 3 cards when you may be trying to create a very thin deck.